The 2024 collection of nimrods blows 2016 out of the water for stupidity. Throw in President Musk and cabinet morons like Kennedy and Gabbard and...
Stunned a woman would let that cretin touch her.
Every one of those workers should band together and tell them no, they are not coming back unless: 1. they get immediate 25% pay raises 2....
Oh goodie, another one has crawled up out of the muck and finally learned to read and write. Do you guys ring a bell or goose step up and down...
It was a stupid way of expressing himself in a classroom. This is the kind of story that feeds the right-wing cry of indoctrination. This...
Getting rid of Musk and his leacherous companies would prove they are serious. Until then, don't talk to me about "eliminating waste" when the...
The word "felon" can no longer be spoken in the White House or on the White House grounds. Hilarious considering the current occupant is, in...
Veterans, teachers, farmers. A whole bunch of people are starting to realize what they did when they elected President Musk and his Meat Puppet...
I think that it is universally accepted that inflation numbers, the official ones, have been a joke for a very long time. I think most agree...
I never fully appreciated what a pathological liar Musk is. I knew he lied about his rise at Tesla, but I did not realize that he lies about...
According to the Navy, the USS Truman and 2 escort destroyers left the battle group (my term, not their's) in the Red Sea on 2/1 and entered the...
This would be the second time in her life that she has been sexually assaulted if true. That would be both horrific and tragic. The problem most...
Maybe Hertz can sell theirs since they are trying to give them to people and no one wants them?
I kind of disagree about one thing. Honestly, representatives of the people, elected into the House of Representatives SHOULD advocate for their...
Because we have a Constitution (for now) and everything being done so far flies in the face of it. It is deeply disappointing that the alleged...
I am not even upset that they are looking to cut some of the social programs. Those have all done nothing but expanded endlessly over the past...
Not shocking, they will eliminate/reduce money for education, financial services, Agriculture and Energy & Commerce. Will set ~$4.5T into "Ways...
I had already assumed that the White House was run out of the Kremlin anyway. This will just short circuit the need for Meet Puppet Moron to leak...
What would they have risen without the Tariffs? It is not like the price of cars has ever gone down?
And, again, here is the POS sub-human who just held court in the White House of the United States of America that you are all so very proud of:...