Jack Youngblood would take 2 aspirin, chug a beer, tape it up and go back in.:(
Defense only gets one play rest.:devil:
To put things in perspective...that is a beach towel :devil:
[ATTACH] In memory of Elizabeth Reed (If you look closely, she was married to a Napier...lol)
Wouldn't it be quite a reversal of last year if FSU loses the rest of their regular season games, but wins their bowl game!....oh wait
Say what you want...Noles are about to be the best 7 loss team in the country. ;)
45 changed to 53 because there were no more number 3 jerseys available
I'm afraid Des might eat him
There are plenty of reasons to badmouth Dickey, I remember the way he treated Carlos Alvarez.
Is FSU the best 6 loss team in the country?
White Eukelele with another turnover...lol
You know, we did pretty well last time we hired a coach from Duke. ;)
Been a while, but...Dike 65 yard punt return
Shane Matthews says "hold my clipboard";)
Does anyone else think that it is strange for a major university (maybe that's a stretch) to repeatedly sing a song at all of their football games...
Thought about it after the 4th and 1 sweep for a loss, started after the fumble on the goal line. Wait, are you saying you didn't?:eek:
No, but after a few more games coached like this, I might start.
On the Mertz fumble....I miss having a coach that would have put Watson or Cam Jackson in the backfield, in front of Montrell and just shove it...
The coaching by Napier in this game reminds me that Urban needs to be added to the Ring of Honor immediately. I know some people still hold a...
I hate it, but maybe you deserve one after the Driskell and Franks games. And BTW the Franks to Cleveland pass was NOT a Hail Mary. He didn't...