An offense more prolific than 2020's.
What's tiresome (extremely) is the bashing of DM. He had little to do with our death spiral. In fact his tenure (until he got fed up with the...
Do you?
Let the Gators in every year. :D
You got the genius part right wrt offense. At least compared to Billy.
If only he'd been thrown out of the game maybe the score would be 7-7 at the half. :mad:
Man, you talk about stupid. That's the ballgame IMO.
Well, there's always hope. :D
If this isn't a blowout I'll be shocked.
Also the coldest game I ever attended but I thought the temp was in the 20's. Now the next morning was really brutal. Had to count cars downtown...
And all of ours have come in the last 30 years. Michigan has to go back 62 and OSU 64 years to include at least one champ from each sport.
Unfortunately we can and they will until things change radically at UF. Which is unlikely.
Does it really matter? The less talented guys will just leave. Same thing happens at UF. System is so f'ed up it's comical.
Well, hope is all we've had for many years. :D
Uhh, that means he's going to ugaly. :D
Ya still like him? :D
I was living in Honolulu then. Thankfully.:cool:
The redneck motto. Applies to their personal lives too.
I suspect lots of bribes from the gumps the last 60 years or so.
Oh, definitely coaching matters. Just meant their BS ability (or whatever "recruiting ability" is) doesn't matter anymore.