Ugh! That was close!!!
Of course they are
I left the room. The clank of the ball bouncing off the rim gets irritating.
Kiddo, no you're not. You are so far off, you can't see it with binoculars. I believe in the right to choose I tried to groom my middle son, but...
Inclusion to the trumph circle. It's a public "thank you".
No, and I didn't say he did. He did exacerbate the issues with gas prices. Recognizing that major corporations ( I believe only 4 corporations...
Not sure what the "leftwing agenda" means. If you call putting legislation to finally fix our roads , bridges, installing more internet to rural...
I am still so neutral on this subject. They haven't proven that a trans woman is more equal to a naturally born woman as far as not having an...
Does this nonsense know no bounds? You maga need to put up or shut up, and I'm not talking about some russian paid podcaster's twisted story with...
Oh man, you could not possibly be more misinformed.
Being Christian does not equal a trumph supporter.
Geese.... I responded to the wrong post! LOL.
Or Quaid brothers? Carrie Underwood deserves something, she just lost tons of followers.
Hope they left, for the dog's sake. Yeah, the gas is off. :rolleyes:
While it makes sense, that's just freaky.
And it could have gone the other way too. People who actually had covid and it was diagnosed as something else. Especially in the earliest days of...
Darn it, I was hoping to beat them next year with him on the team. Oh well. Not sure he did much more to up his draft status.
Where is our home cooking?
Is there a grease spot under our basket?