I peek out the kitchen window every now and then LOL
68-47 Are you kidding me? :D
We've got the tv on, on the back deck and I'm in here on the computer because I'm afraid I'll jinx it if I sit out there. I've been waiting to...
It's ok to audit departments, to work with those in charge to make cuts. To burn it to the ground overnight when lives and people's livelihoods...
Seems they are ready to protect her from anything other than softball questions. This admin is following along in the nazi way [IMG]
Spin spin. What is this thread about?
@CharlestonGator Do facts bother you? How do you disagree with facts from their bio's?
These are being black mailed by our president to get in line. Disgusting what is going on right in front of our faces and some people want to...
The real first amendment. A Free press!
Their FAFO is unfortunately going to affect those of us that see them for what they are. Saying "told you so" is useless in this situation.
She is a DEI hire: Karoline qualifications- 1. White blonde christian married to a 60 year old millionaire 2. Graduated from a small catholic...
Anyone who would put live chicks and mice in a blender to show off in front of his friends is a sick sociopath.
He'll walk away with billions more of our money through fraud using smoke and mirrors. You trust Elon? You'd trust anyone that says they are a...
My son went through security clearance in the Navy and yes, this is true. Old neighbors, bosses, co workers. etc.
That they were not given a security clearance. I assume you're a ok with this.
Most of the time the light comes on, unless of course they literally drink the koolaid. They have to be shocked out of it though. Personal...
Well, if Elon says so. o_O
How about these “tech babies “? How Elon Musk & Peter Thiel-aligned inexperienced tech bros took over the federal government
Can't wait for that great recession 2.0? Elon looking like he's going to raid the SS kiddy. We are deporting everyone they can get their hands on,...
At the rapidly changing pace of his ADHD policies, the American people will likely grow tired of this fool before summer arrives.