Naturally, Sully will be on some lists, get lots of "influencer" traffic-driving content, etc., etc. Texas averages almost 1.5K more people and...
I may be colored by exposure to the Creamsicle Crowd hereabouts but I can't help but think the Aggies blew their chance when their offense was...
Cool to see the established stars on the team acknowledging Wyatt in their actions and comments. He is clearly being seen as a contributor to the...
Ranger “fans” on social media have been as disrespectful of Wyatt as any I’ve seen. People just seem to be looking for reasons to be dicks. OC, I...
Wyatt hit his first grand slam today. That’ll help your RISP number!
Pretty cool seeing some Gator:Gator action. Brady Singer facing off against Wyatt last night. Singer was pitching really well. Struck Wyatt out...
What is this "Slanderman and friend" reference, please?
I have a lot of doubts that the Brain Trust that seems to decide such things won't give what the kids earned, because muh "reasonz."
It would be interesting to see Sully's chapter on this team when he writes his autobiography. I am sure he and the staff were spinning a lot of...
Well stated, better than I did, but captures the sentiment. Words matter.
Self-indulgent of me to bring this back to attention but I read another sage voice here that said Brandon was the reason we were in Omaha. Pretty...
My Neely Appreciation thread after Clemson win didn’t get much traction but what I said stands. Brandon has incredible character.
Tenn vs FSU is like ISIS vs Hamas. Need the Sweet Meteor of Death to strike.
I am always hopeful that these youngsters learn that the PROCESS often produces tangible success, but even if it does not, they are better for the...
Hey - Leave this stuff to professionals like Gal.
So have I. Neat is a rare level for me now, more common in my youth. Has to have something unique to justify. Amazed at what a little good ice...
I’d rather play aTm after this pitcher is unavailable. He’s pretty good.
Not trying to be pedantic but WTH…if a man likes a liquor you don’t so be it. Some morons overpay for something their palate isn’t refined enough...
Had a really hard time and early on even found myself rooting for FSU but as the game went on a lifetime of Nole disdain kicked and I enjoyed...
You and my son see eye to eye, then.