The Left is in full deflection mode and I FLIPPING LOVE IT!
The liberal spin machine is at full rev. They have a ridiculous excuse for everything good and needed that has taken place over the last few...
I agree. Schedule and portal class, I guess.
Popularity doesn't equal a cult. You were never a Republican, by the way.
You love puppets, too, I see.
Loved Reagan, but you just described yourself as being a RINO. So your second choice doesn't surprise me. Say hi to Liz Cheney and the Bush...
I do get the picture. That you're still part of a party which relies on race mongering for relevance. And like the mostly socialist, or...
You mean Soros' fund manager 15 years ago, and about 20 years before that? Basically before Soros became a progressive Marxist madman. He used...
How much does Soros pay you to look silly?
That's all that guy's got. No different than the paid youtube trolls who spit out ridiculous talking points but never debate.
Who's arguing that? What gender someone believes they are isn't what people have a problem with.
British voters support Donald Trump's policies favouring hardline border measures and 'two gender' stance in blind poll
Let's see who wins this one. It won't be who you're rooting for. Pathetic.
Or this is leadership. Sorry you prefer weak, pandering, senile puppets for leaders.
So a sanctuary state would not look better than Texas right now, especially if you're a criminal?
Oh, my. Coming from a member of the party who would love for AOC to be our president in '28.
What cruelty?
What failure are you expecting? Same ones that never happened during his first term?
He needs to check out what's going on in most of Europe, too. Yeah, it's dead.
Or how disgusting it is that you believe it's wrong to remove someone who is here illegally. Especially considering that the illegals being...