Afraid of what? You defending a group of soy boy, misfit vandals who engage in violent acts in hopes of getting their way?
Another conspiracy claim from the radical left.
LOL, ok.
So Antifa ... where are those Marxist idiots these days, by the way?
Save us the crap, Mr. Soros. How dare a true oligarch like yourself, or Lawrence Fink, accuse others which you disagree with politically of doing...
Ask WDG if Charles Barkley or a host of other celebrities should be employed right now. Doubt any of their employers took a vote of their piers...
This is all they do and why they're losing the American people. No message, just attacks ... no matter how stupid and unsupported those attacks are.
I remember that settlement. Retractions (great example the NYT) are made public just like lawsuits (I believe that conservatives are close to...
You mean this guy? Patience grasshopper. The damning proof of innocence that FBI likely withheld in Russian probe
So, name the outright lies told by conservative, mainstream outlets? Not exaggerations, opinions you disagree with, or repeating/reporting a lie...
Oh, it involves emotional needs alright ... As I stated, there's more coming. As if it's not already easy to connect the dots.
Yet all you have is the ability to copy and paste and spew talking points. You then never respond when challenged. What flavor would that make you?
The only people deflecting are you guys. Trump's campaign was not found guilty of collusion and there never should have been an investigation in...
I believe we were discussing media outlets.
Wow. This theory will be crumbling soon.
So why wasn't Trump prosecuted and why was the dossier still presented to the FISA court?
Care to have a retraction contest? I'll start with the NYT. Pick your starting point. All the left does is lie. There's a difference between...
Buddy, you won't answer my question. Did the Trump campaign collude with Russia and did the FBI/DOJ know the dossier had holes in it? Simple...
Associates? What does that mean? Did the Trump campaign collude with Russia, and did the FBI/DOJ admit that they knew the dossier had holes in...
Did you even read the entire findings, adult smart guy? It basically states that the dossier was BS and should have never been presented to the...