Next thing you know you'll tell us you've achieved more than Lurker who has been explaining his achievements to us for years. Whether were...
You know what you're leaving out.
Projection at its finest.
He'd be lying around his tooth if he did.
We'll concede economy as soon as you give Reagan Clinton's economy. Didn't think so. You failed to address no wars or the border, though.
You felt the same way in '16, only to watch us pull out of wars and enjoy a good economy. Get off the MSM, sir.
So, you defend their border, too? LOL Let me guess, you were also an ICE agent back in the day.
I was going to comment also but thought that he couldn't be serious.
The country is already burning thanks to letting 20 million illegals in and laughable foreign policies.
When did I state that covid didn't have an effect on Biden's first couple of years. I'm mostly referring to our open southern border, divisive...
Nope. Just responding to temper tantrums.
I visited this board on many occasions over the years.
So, you're telling me that economic opinions can't be politically driven? There are experts all over the media who would disagree with you.
They're brainwashed.
You, sir, are absolutely a lefty. I've read enough of your posts to make that determination. Look at your anger right now as you attempt to spin...
Here we go ...
You guys are making my morning. Keep the temper tantrums coming. This is better than '16.