When you announce a plan to hire more XYZ and then you hire more XYZ, people are going to see what you're doing.
Y'all have ridden that 'insurrection' BS as far you could. It was somewhat effective with a friendly DOJ but that is no longer the case. The...
Biden set a historically terrible example. I hope that Trump doesn't follow it but it's not looking good.
It's funny how the left suddenly likes cops.
I have a problem with some of Trump's pardons but the democrats have no room to complain.
The wealthy running away from the rest of us hasn't changed regardless of which party is in office. Part of the problem is that high level...
Let the pardons stand to remind people how the democrats do business.
The mark of success for achieving a mandate. I'm surprised it was confusing.
That's why they kept him under wraps as much as possible in 2020.
Biden has been addled since the beginning. I thought for sure the plan was for him to step aside so the woman of color could become President...
It's funny how the mark of success has suddenly moved from winning the popular vote to getting more than half of the total vote.
I may have said that if I was speaking with a SCar fan.
Is this your question: are there any reports of election workers being threatened, defamed or having to go into hiding after this election? I...
I have no interest in watching the inauguration. I'm not a trumper. Heck, I'm not even a republican. I'm just ready for them to get to work.
I'm sure it's just an incredible coincidence that the only rioters you take issue with just happens to be the Trump supporters. ;)
I get it. You don't want to tolerate conservative rioters. I don't blame you at all. We should expect better behavior from people who claim to...
I don't have a problem punishing people who break the law I would just like to see all rioters everywhere pursued with the same level of...
That's what elevates a riot to noteworthy status? Election workers being threatened? How about looting and burning down buildings? Is that a...
1/6 was one of many riots in American history. Many were far more deadly and destructive.
Sounds like a typical riot. People get pissed off, gather, feed off each other and start tearing stuff up. Rioting by any group shouldn't be...