Kara Hammock pitching for the Gators.
Jocey grounds out. Six runs on five hits in the inning.
Kylie Shaw pinch hits for Korbe.
Taylor singles up the middle. Her second hit of the inning. 12-0.
Wild pitch. 11-0
Falby walks. 10 zip.
Gabi Comia with an rbi single 9-0 Gators
First career hit for Bellaire.
Bellaire pinch hitting. Base hit to center
Ava walks.
Ava pinch hitting
Cassidy hops along with a walk
Cassidy McClellan pinch hitting for Cahalan.
Mia grounds out
New Earline for Grand Canyon.
Jocey another home run, 8-0 Gators
Korbe Ks
Shumaker with a triple off the left center wall
3rd out Oxley K.
Ground out to Holtorf.