You expect better like bending the knee to a country that can’t even invade a very vulnerable neighbor and get a surrender. So we have to bail out...
I think we can all agree a lot of processes can be improved. I honestly do hope they succeed. The issue is that you can't just find bad processes....
How does Billy let something like this happen? This is crazy. I honestly think between this and no OC, I will be shocked if Billy survives next...
And passing costs to the states to subsidize federal work at that. I just really wonder if that is something they would go for now. I definitely...
We get it. You love Russia
so in other words 0 net change to the taxpayer as the indirect costs must be paid somehow
Then how don’t you understand that gutting budgets will harm a public research university research output/ability? Why do you think DOD prohibits...
Are there entire departments that require physical plant resources to perform Gates foundation research? I bet you don’t even know what an...
UF allocates its costs based on its DS-2 as required by federal law. 2 CFR 200 Audited Financial Statements – Finance & Accounting DS-2...
This just demonstrates you have no understanding. The fact they have you asking what they value is in publicly funded health research to actually...
Those researchers aren’t the issue. The fact that the only breakthroughs that occur at publicly traded pharmas can be traced back to potential...
They will get the IP and charge outrageous amount per pill to cover R&D plus unlimited future profit since. They are doing it for profit, not...
Is Eil Lily going to perform the research for the public good or chase profit margin? I think you know the answer
Please feel free to use the scroll button to see if this topic was initiated by me.
“Leftists” = people who actually can read in this case
This would be a nice win for the new administration
Until the US manufacturer increases the price to be right below the Canadian product to maximize profit
I'm not sure that is always the case to be fair. Sometimes they are pushing agendas for the oligarchy. And I like the WSJ. But Wall Street is who...
Tech sector and especially tech dorks like myself were very sad about it
Come on man. You know (or I hope you know) perfectly inelastic is 0 (which is theoretical and no good has this) and inelastic demand represents...