actually I'm an optimist who believes America's best is in front of it if we repel the ideas of the red hat bozos. Sounds like you are the doomer...
edited for clarification that a non-vaxxed boomer can comprehend
Why does it not surprise me that you have no idea what that meant. Koch, who started the tea party which led to MAGA. Do you know who they are?...
Seems like you support Burchism instead as you seem to directly support what Koch industries planted the seeds for here
Is that why Trump's main policy announcement so far is that he is going to bail Israel out of any and all consequences of how they handled Gaza?
See this is the opposite of America first. We have the opportunity to fight in the next great space race and a frontier in AI. Instead we are...
We know the Russians won the election here in the US. They are going to get part of Ukraine and Ukraine will get no protection from further...
So you want to vote for the person to make one decline? Might need to go back to study some more
if you can, with a straight face, claim to care about the national debt and at the same time pass a 4.2 TRILLION dollar tax cut bill you are...
When the word "lefties" is used it can identify someone of extremely low intelligence with statistical certainty.
We won't need to have education for what the oligarchs have planned. They want to drive down the costs of American labor by any means necessary,...
So the first time he was "elected" which resulted in the election being overturned due to it not being a fair election and then his subsequent...
no literally what I was talking about but since you don't even know what the orange revolution is and are spewing "takes" on ukraine it is hopeless
America gets what it wants because of its military. No one can challenge it. This is why having such extreme levels of debt has not crushed us...
Said someone with a middle school understanding of how modern empires work.
I see you don’t know about 2004 elections. Doesn’t surprise me at all
Ah so is that why he’s hiding in Russia in exile and they overthrew him? Because the Ukrainians love him?
Are you a Russian bot? I mean this is just embarrassing. So the Kremlin didn’t install Yanukovych and attempt to make the country a vassal state?...
No one should worry about Russia. They can’t even take over an extremely weak neighbor. Pathetic showing. If you were truly “America first” you...
I hope so but this one seems to take some wind out of the sails.