doesn’t take long to get these people to expose their true colors.
This may shock you. Ukraine is not in NATO
I was actually wrong because I stopped reading too early. “Russian elections are freer and more fair than US elections according to many...
How many attacks has NATO launched on your Russian homeland? The reason they want to be in NATO is because they want protection.
“Let Russia join NATO or disband NATO” is maybe the dumbest thing I’ve read on this site outside of people that wanted to keep Mike White
Nope not stressed at all because I basically can forecast how this plays out. Americans aren’t going to vote for reducing power abroad to let...
If you don’t compete in a competitive world, you will lose a lot more than a vague notion of being #1. The next Industrial Revolution is almost...
and you called someone else a doomer? This defeatist attitude is wild to me. As a student of history, why would a nation retreat at the next...
It’s almost like we should advance research and development instead of slashing grants and research in favor of billionaire tax cuts?
I’m sorry but this is just not true. They are extremely capable nation. No one can deny that. But the world’s economy is controlled by American...
Scale is much less important than technology now. Cyber warfare, satellites, space dominance, drone technology, AI, etc. all much more important...
We can beat China to space and we can beat China to the next Industrial Revolution. As long as we don’t literally sabotage ourselves. We are well...
So you live in an alternate timeline I see where Russia hasn’t been bogged down for 3 years and taken only a small portion of Ukraine
Well one obvious notion is not to cut the legs out from our demonstrated competitive advantage which is our military. Hence this entire thread
I’m not having it both ways. There’s no scenario where we should capitulate in the least to an extremely weak country like Russia. They have nukes...
You want us to fade into the background so China can become the world’s dominant power and EU has to fill the void left behind by our leadership....
We HAVE to develop a coherent third political party in this country.
Yes we must all surrender to Russia, the strongest military power ever to exist, which cannot take territory from a weak neighbor. Surrender is...
So you are just anti-American full stop. Got it
Big mistake here. You thought facts and logic mattered.