Pub member of congress ready to be arrested for domestic violence but MAGA AG will not sign arrest warrant MAGA - you good with manhandling your...
this would be the right thing to do. if DT insists on the US getting repaid, take it from the seized assets.. dems messaging sux so bad. why...
so what are the people in WV getting right now? a big FU from king musk and donnie boy? you are outraged? correct?
what about WV MAGA? lot of maga people on here should be pretty upset about what is happening in WV but apparently they can't see the other...
where do those three rate in aid from feds, welfare %, education levels, per capita income, poverty levels, income disparity, environmental...
be real...he is pandering for headlines trying to stay in the spotlight to get his wife moved forward while Donalds remains on his knees for DT...
why can't those wallets be locked or those coins removed from the chain or frozen in perpetuity? for something so secure and so transparent,...
the next one he tells for $1000 Alex
crypto market loses $325B. facing liquidity prices..will this drive forced selling of stocks to cover? Crypto market faces a massive liquidity...
22 dead, waterlogged, freezing..FEMA trickling in, likely severely understaffed, poorly supplied and thoroughly demoralized wondering if they have...
$430B of it to be precise
this. looking at their financials, there is no way in hell they invest that much anytime in the next decade unless the dividend return totally...
no worries, US has the backing for a new resolution on the war, Our faithful allies Russia and China joined us in our support look at donnie boy,...
did that same Canadian company make a massive contribution to the Clinton Foundation? Could the sale have occurred without state department...
wonder how many of them are employed by DOGE
you think you are in a different boat or something?
If crypto can be traced and funds locked, why would anyone steal it? crypto is such a useless drag on society. it creates nothing of value,...
expect a sudden wave of retirements? what a chitty time to be in the prime of your career and have to face these kinds of decisions.. like...
such underused assets need private capital to unlock their potential. we can make a deal and the US will have the best deal ever. Trump...
start with the guy in the wh and his muskette please