time for a national work stoppage?
and republican house and Seante members line up behind him in lock step along with americans who had family fight and die because of russian...
turning our allies against us while emboldening our enemies and strongmen worldwide is not what is best for america. certainly you can see that
he refused to be chastised like a child by a man who is willing to give away his country just to punish him for not helping frame Biden and his...
Flights to Paris or London are cheap
You think the USA is the only industrialized country in the world. Riddle me this investment manager, what happens if European funds sell off...
No, the EU will offer a much better deal and Ukrainian will rally behind Z
Excellent day for Ukraine. They just solidified support of the free world and likely EU support to use frozen Russian assets to fund not only the...
No more push 1 for English?
What an ass. Trying to impress his daddy more than musketeers. Embarrassing for him and for America. Front lead in Russia. Wtf MAGA? You good with...
Not sure that amercu is processing what is happening. Exec. telling legislative to join it to attack the judicial while instilling partisan hacks...
wow, this is putting us all at risk, decentralize command so communication failures can flourish. can you say 9/11 expects staff to make changes...
the committee to review and select the strains of flu to be used for next years vaccine has been told not to meet. that means either we use the...
agreed, but the OPM doesn't have the authority to tell agencies to fire people. they did that, that is illegal..ready fire aim..again, and again,...
another day, another judge telling the administration WTF you talking about Willis Federal judge orders reversal of Trump's mass government...
well at least they don't expect great ball, or even good ball as 17 - 17 seems to be acceptable as long as we keep our professors free speech in check
Lobbying by higher ed prevented the reform that Obama proposed to get rid of the scam colleges. Too much money in them. Employed too many people...
Be up and around the Kenai in June
I believe that Ed is second biggest lobbying group behind pharmaceutical, or at least it used to be. That includes higher ed. It's why Obama...