"Rushed to market". Wasn't that the point in the midst of a pandemic? That they were able to do what they did in the time they did it is pretty...
IDK. Different (more serious) voter in the midterms.
Still praying for a military coup and modern-day Sulla.
There's no attempt. Again, drunken tailgate shouting at opposing fans as they go by. Never, ever rises above that for MAGA.
Wasn't there a post several months back about a woman who was the last Civil War pensioner, who was receiving it based on a similar circumstance?
See 92 (and you agreed with this?) Already starting to make the case. This stung China bad, but look! Our commie friends think we should repeal...
What are you going to do when Trump tells us that the Chinese are the good guys? Because that's coming, probably within the year.
Don't even put them in the same sentence. Reagan would spit on MAGA and everything it stands for, none of which is conservative.
Probably off the top of his head. BDS is strong with this one!
Why are you trying to have normal conversations with clueless dorks who have no intention of reciprocating? Get ready for some more bullet points!
Awww. Poor baby.
Way to lean into your strength: Moving the goalposts.
Screw the camps. Why would I want to house the likes of you? And, yeah, nail yourself to the cross like the commie traitor bitch you are.
I'm just going to say this, and delete away Mods if you have to. But I REALLY wish we could round people like you up and. . . nah, screw the...
He can probably thank Bush I for most of that. By most accounts, his tax increase (the one that got Clinton elected) accounted for as much as...
Why do you care? Big leader told you to? 10 years ago you guys would have held Blago up as a metaphor for Democratic corruption and "The Chicago...
But you can't put other people at potential risk - especially in the military - because they don't want to take the vaccine. In the military...
Again, looking at the short bus that is our political system, I really like my/our odds a lot better here.
The least intimidating mob in history. Unless you're a mosquito.
Ah, "Objectivist". Such a relevant and well-read news source. Wow, you guys are really trolling deep these days.