Wow! Could you find a less credible source? The "Western Journal". . . WTF is that? And how long did you scour the web for this crumb of nonsense?
Who's livelihoods were taken away?
It's like DeSantis. I watched him tell people to get vaccinated multiple times (and even argued with Ds over this) then watched him pretend he...
Until he didn't. He played it for politics, almost immediately, his rhetoric changing daily if not hourly to fit the crowd he was talking to that day.
Very true. One of my former poly sci professors is commonly on TV as a "Democratic blah, blah, blah" but you would have never known taking his class.
The sad part is, like so many things MAGA, it will poison an otherwise good idea, which is major reform to the DOD purchasing and bid process.
Didn't Jimmy Carter do something like this with the Soviets? And didn't they basically ignore it?
Ah yes, the iron boot of American oppression. You and wbg should go have a self-flagellation jerk.
Or that Romania is still having an election. It's just delayed.
Oh, and BTW liar. Not even in the top 10. Yeah, the typical response from the dumb people with no response. Whatever. We know who you are and I...
And why do I bang on Russia. Because, at one time, I actually bought all this bullshit. Then your boy decided to step on his dick in 2022, which...
There you go people. Straight from the FSB to your eyes. I mean, Jesus, where to start. Nah, we've been down this road a million times before....
What's the over/under on when he just blows this off? I mean, there's no way this is happening.
No shit. I tried it after hearing so much and. . . yuck. 8-O'Clock Columbian Supremo for me.
Why? Nova Scotia produces as much lobster as Maine, or close.
It changes with the wind, apparently. I guess that's what happens when all you have are soundbites rather than having an actual...
So did I. Care to dispute any of those facts? Or not. The rationale that Russia is better off today than it was on the eve of the ill-fated...
Artist = Liberal. And that's it folks. No more thought needed. MAGA to the bone!
Feb 20, 2022 vs. Feb 14, 2025. Nuff said. GAME OVER!!! There is no disputing that Russia is in an exponentially worse place today on every...
They should have teamed up. Not sure it matters with sycophants like MAGA (Haley = Hillary Clinton), but that would have been a good ticket that...