Someone's been shot with a dart in the jugular with amphetamine and rabies. Lol... Musk is a rare talent.
Tell me when they find out how all the U.S. Congress became multimillionaires on their salaries.
This seems like the right OP/thread to put this in... enjoy. [MEDIA]
She was very explicit in what she said.
Stop importing these people at war. We do NOT need to spread that hatred here.
Oldest tricks in the book... of Maxism, and Saul Alinsky.
Yeah, she's one of our best at bring high school talent to our attention... I mean, "he" is... :D;)
He suddenly found out that leaving Gator football for that team with NO stadium was not upward mobility and NOT an advancement in coaching. :oops:...
This said it all... It really was a business decision for Harris. And after hearing that interview, I feel much better about our defense moving...
Why did Canada NOT get the bird flu? We had to destroy 100,000,000 chickens and somehow NO other country near us got that same bird flu? I smell...
They have some decent weapons, but they do NOT have the manufacturing capacity to make the number of weapons fast enough... and where are they...
I can't wait till we get to the part that shows how these Liberal politicians made multiple millions of dollars on a $170K or $190K salary. That's...
The ultimate video highlights of that beat-down. [MEDIA]
I still have PM/invitation somewhere... Football won out. :D
Everything... with a bit of levity in mind.
I want all the waste, fraud and abuse to be found and halted.
I'm not sure the Dems should worry about most of the cuts to foreign nations that serve to prop up questionable intentions.
Just to expound on my original thought. The big Dem donors are not happy with the people they put into office, and the Dems are seeing a drop in...
Yep, all the freeloader nations suddenly hate us for forcing equal/reciprocal trade. It's called fair trade...
Are you going to juxtapose this with the current O-line? Asking for a friend... :oops: