Have we heard of him?
Yes. Its a K and E2
I get it through the ESPN app. I no longer even see the SEC+ option. All in ESPN
Wonder if he makes it to the 3rd inning
Bobby OPPO
Ursidman in relief Puguero. Earl Puguero. Never heard of him
That was a good approach to hitting by Zorn - went with the pitch
That was not hit very deep for a run to score
Well, there you go.
AK-47 on the bump
Well, take comfort in knowing you paid extra to hear them. Smart money gets to listen to Professor Russel
Professor Russell is doing the radio broadcast if you want to listen in. 850 AM online.
You sitting in their dugout?
He has played a real nice SS for them - been involved with a lot of plays
Yep, going 4 for 4 will get you some PT.
Yeah, there were high strikes called in both early games
Did that Freshman hit any homers today?
also saw Elmendorf and those are all Air Force Bases are they not? edit: March, Wright-Patterson, and Elmendorf are all Air Force Bases
Yeah, I dunno, but seems to be Names - not their own - so maybe distinguished airmen?
said to have taken BP today so prob nothing serious