If he doesn't hoof that out then Kurland doesn't get to do what he did.
Heyman showing off the speed
Way to get going Kurland
On the very short hop
Such a nice go with the pitch swing to get the 2out RBI
One of the unwritten rules of baseball. Get caught stealing 2nd and the next guy gets walked.
The RF'r looked like he was preparing for a leap.
You can fact check Gatorgal
Good call ump :emoji_dizzy_face::emoji_dizzy_face::emoji_dizzy_face::emoji_dizzy_face:
Safe I say
On one of the ugliest swings this side of Abner
Need one of those 2 out RBIs
Cyr's base running gonna drive WingTee to drink
9 pitch inning to get back on track
Blue has a wide plate. Hope Clemente takes notice
Must recalibrate and remember Gatorgal exists only in the future
Once again Sully's few words (and Donay stealing a strike) cures everything
Like a trooper. Thanks Gatorgal04
It's early in the season and the Gators are playing teams decidedly not SEC caliber but there are no soft spots in the lineup, few errors being...