So basically you want a state similar to third world African countries, or Haiti, where bands of armed thugs keep taking over the government then...
For all of its flaws SS is considered one the better and more sustainable government retirement programs in the world.
I’m glad you weathered it. There are many people who didn’t get the vaccine and died with less serious symptoms than congestive heart failure....
This is the deal - if shoring up social security was the only fiscal issue we had to deal with then yes, eliminating the cap may fix it. But we...
There’s little doubt that housing supply, including affordable housing is part of the problem, but for a lot of the homelessness that you see,...
like you I think we take an all of the above approach. My preference would not be to increase the payroll tax, but i wouldn’t outright oppose it....
I am sure this will be confusing to you, but try to follow. When companies pay employees income, they get a tax deduction, but the employees pay...
No One Believed It, But the U.S. Is Set to Profit from a Discovery That Transforms Plastic Waste into Hydrogen - Jason Deegan Not totally on...
I’m guessing you don’t realize SS is inflation adjusted. So how should we pay for these tax cuts, or do you prefer to borrow even more?
Everything she says is nonsense but she does an excellent job at what she is hired to do - forcefully and confidently assert non-sense and...
who would NOT support this? Only a MAGA-hat would encourage radical islamists to breed. I say we spend $15 billion vs 15 million.
ok that’s about $100-$200 million. Only $999,800,000,000 to go.
I take kind of a sadistic joy knowing that Trump supporters are getting fleeced. On a somewhat related note, probably discussed elsewhere, I had...
I’m guessing….yes?
yeah I doubt the 10000 troops will do much. That’s probably just for show. But the cartels and the government are intertwined, and the cartels...
if this actually works - I’ll give Trump credit. I'm not sure what he is trying to accomplish in Canada.
Wait until Reddit Wall Street bets & roaring kitty get ahold of those shorts.
I wonder if Americans will hate Trump inflation as much as Biden inflation? I hope Americans enjoy MAGA.
The ship has sailed. Alarms have been wailing. It doesn’t matter. The people have spoken their mad about inflation and trans athletes and they...