I assume you are referring to tax loss harvesting. While it is real, most of the time it is a timing difference. If you stay in the same tax...
where are you getting these numbers?
Look at it this way democrat deaths -80% vax rate, 80% death reduction of vax 20+80*.2=36 Republican deaths 60% vax rate, 80% vax death...
Seems pretty plausible. The vaccine reduced chance of death 80-90% in its worst phases. Republicans were probably 60% vaccinated, Democrats...
So you are acknowledging those facts but refuting the article, which basically articulates those facts?
So are you refuting the notion that more pubs died of covid on an age adjust basis than Dems? It’s a known and intuitive fact that democrats had...
I know this was supposed to be humor but I think you missed on this one. Do better.
What do you base this opinion on, and what do you propose as the alternative? Also, I assume you have some knowledge in this particular area...
https://archive.ph/vESWO n the oil towns of west Texas a measles outbreak is spreading. At least 58 people have been infected and 13 are in...
Today I went I got an MMR booster given I only had one shot almost 50 years ago….and I live in Texas.
Using change in real gdp would probably be more useful
I’m still baffled that anyone would oppose birth control to terrorist.
it won’t be enough. In states with crossover primaries which is essentially what you are calling for, Nikki Haley grabbed around 20%, much of...
Beck will undoubtedly have the highest interception per stadium fan in the nation.
https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2025/02/21/nx-s1-5304458/measles-vaccine-booster-health Screw it. I’m getting a booster. I had a...
In West Texas the measles is coming back. Winning! https://archive.ph/vESWO in the oil towns of west Texas a measles outbreak is spreading. At...
I know for a fact I will enjoy watching him throw interceptions in front of 30,000 people - if that turns out to be his fate.
it’s when criminals buy laundromats to wash the money and clean off the criminals fingerprints and dna. The ignorance of this forum knows no bounds.
How do you think these things work? Vladimir Putin signs a government check with his picture on it and sends it to his foreign assets who then...
I don’t understand the absolute hatred of these people, most of whom come to work and better their lives.