As you probably know then it can take over a year for an SSI or SSDI applicant to get approved. It did with my autistic son. Cuts in staff will...
like I said it’s been years since I’ve watched the network but when I did on occasion in spite of her clear bias she at times would bring about...
Venezuelans in Florida Are About to Find Out if They Hold Real Political Sway Venezuelans feeling betrayed because the voted for Trump because...
This thread will be dedicated to those voters who somehow rationalized a Trump vote and now have been screwed by him....
“invest money into vaccines and other therapeutics for poultry flocks” Vaccines are good enough for chickens but not for people.
perhaps we would be better off if they did break it and let people feel the pain of their awful choices.
Let’s delay next years flu shot while we are at it
Social Security Administration Could Cut Half Its Workforce If true, may be the dumbest thing contemplated yet. I’m coming around to James...
I haven’t watched MSNBC in a long time, but the little bit I recall of Joy Reid I didn’t really consider her or her show particularly interesting,...
While there are no security guarantees, seems to me if there will be US companies onsite in Ukraine, there would be some sort of implicit security...
Man you’ve really become radicalized.
I thought whatever happened on the president’s watch is the president’s fault? Did that rule suddenly change?
After strolen elections, q anon, pizza gate, Obama is not American and Jade Helm…..this sunrises you?
I’m not sure what to make of that one graph. It has before and after vaccination in it. When it says excess death 7% more post vaccine I’m not...
If the moved (sold) their holdings and then bought a direct indexing fund, weren’t there capital gains on what they sold? Otherwise where did...
Not really it is just saying for one non vaccinated death, you will have .2 vaccinated deaths. If nobody were vaccinated you would have 100...
Unvaccinated [ATTACH]
All of the graphs I saw seemed consistent with these numbers. I don’t know what numbers or graphs you are looking at. [ATTACH]