One of Elon Musk’s breeders.
Grimes weighs in! [MEDIA]
Looks like they’re ready for Andromeda Strain in Texas … [ATTACH]
H Maybe they should be charged with child endangerment for vaccinating their children … Rare but Serious Side Effects: Allergic reaction...
The reason I don’t believe in viruses is because I’ve familiarized myself with the methods of virologists, not because I’m ignorant of them!...
Who are you ? A doctor ?
As I recall, “being religious” in America reached its peak around 1980, at which time church attendance rate was four times higher than it was at...
Given our healthcare approach the kid was probably killed by treatment.
Never mind Vietnam, if the Jesus of the Gospels were to come to the US, he’d probably be arrested his first day on the ground.
Obviously, this poor kid died from spots.
When I was there we didn’t know how to handle hysteria, so we just let them swim. Aside: shortly before I came on a family kidnapped a Crossroads...
When will the Big Cult stop beating up on the little cult ?
Couldn’t be. He agreed with “Thou shalt not steal.”
Jesus was arguably an anarchist in the truest sense of the term. Discuss.
I know you didn’t ask me, but partly because “I’m a Christian” is a cultural norm and therefore there is little to gain by not sleeping in on Sunday.
A small but possibly significant number of church dropouts may be believers who have opted to meet in homes. Remember that early Christians...
It’s easy to become a cultural Christian. Recently, the world’s leading atheist, Richard Dawkins, has announced he’s joined the ranks.
Just a reminder that if vaccines have killed 1 person, they’ve out-killed the fictitious pathogen they were rolled out to prevent.
Perhaps, but it has little if any power. It has been soundly defeated in the cultural wars. Prior to mass-derangement (Covid) my wife and I were...