Putin sucks at genocide. Or maybe he’s just saving these chicks for last … [MEDIA]
Ask him if he’s angry and dissatisfied like you are. He seemed satisfied with Massachusetts synching with England and Wales in showing massive...
Yeah, but when Biden lost his temper he wasn’t Trump while doing it.
People like this are spoiling for WWIII … [MEDIA]
We could be talking about casseroles and you’d bring Trump into it.
Having seen the graph for England and Wales and then Massachusetts, he only requires a corresponding graph of the US to be given pause....
*yawns* show us a picture of your dog in pastoral setting.
And 34 deaths annually much lower than 5,300 deaths annually 1912-1916. Measles not a virus even if articles go unread.
And now it’s being reported the child had pneumonia. But it’s spots that killed him. Measles not a virus in search of a vaccine.
Are you straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel ? Why the MASSIVE reduction deaths PRIOR if measles was a virus in search of a vaccine ?...
Do you not see the MASSIVE reduction PRIOR to vaccines ? It’s hardly surprising that other factors were in play since there never was anything to...
You mad, bro ? I never said I’m trying to take away your unicorn dander infusions. I predict this will bounce off too and you say I’m disingenuous...
Why is he doing this ? We’ll all be speaking Russian tomorrow!!!
I am astounded that intelligent people like yourself don’t see it. So I’ll post it again. The MASSIVE reduction of deaths PRIOR to vaccines merely...
British war tourist is Big Mad. Effectively, Russia has destroyed two armies and is presently grinding down a third … [MEDIA]
This is from Lindsey Graham, formerly craziest man on the planet and former best friend of Zelensky … [MEDIA]
UK used to rule the world. Now it’s down to 40 functioning tanks … World War III Is Still On The Table: Europe Wants Boots On The Ground In...
I would imagine that liberals are more likely than conservatives to consult a psychiatrist and so receive a diagnosis. Also, atheists have higher...
Yes, near zero PRIOR to vaccines. Therefore, vaccines could not have been the cause for the reduction in deaths. Also, rash does not cause...