So you can get rash and fever without the vaccine or you can get rash and fever from the vaccine ? What are you going to do ? Immunization...
Canadians ready to go to war. But with what ? Alberta’s West Edmonton Mall has a larger submarine fleet than does the Royal Canadian Navy.
Childish ? Yes, but karmic payback for 208 Weekend’s at Bernie’s.
And just like that, RFK Jr. is off onto something else, presumably working on a vaccine for anti-semitism … [MEDIA]
I still haven’t paid off my bill for 208 Weekends at Bernie’s.
I don’t believe in any alternative explanation, for simultaneous symptoms, in the same way that I don’t believe in viruses - tentative on the...
Scared of old men twerking in their PJ’s. Yes, quite.
My camp only contends that there is no scientific evidence for viruses. We *speculate* about alternative explanations for simultaneous symptoms....
LOL at people who are going to watch Trump tonight for the sole purpose of raging at the TV screen.
Well, he’s certainly not going to convince viewers who hate Russians with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.
I got chickenpox but neither measles nor mumps and I remember being disappointed about it. I couldn’t even engineer a tonsillectomy, although I...
Firm position: history did not begin 2/24/22
The SMO was defined as a policing operation. That all changed when it became plainly evident that Ukraine was resolved to commit national suicide.
Beating down the manufactured panic … [MEDIA]
If you’re a crazy man and the cop stops shooting does that mean you lose your resolve to commit suicide by cop ?
What would an atheist have against mean people ? Nature is red in tooth and claw.
Measles vaccines so efficacious that they work retroactively up to 70 years … [MEDIA]
I’m impatient to live through another Great Depression. But I realize a lot of other things have to happen first.
The hapless man you’ve sent to fight your ‘bully’ is now dead, beaten to death. Enraged, you drag his sons, one of them with Down Syndrome, and...
I think that foreign policy should be dictated by memes.