Far more blame rests with the people who voted for Trump. Florida's statutory rape law is codified in FS 794.05. Relevant part (I didn't include...
You think we may have paid for the Panama Canal? Really?
FIFH: I think it would be safe to remove the word "almost" without the post losing any credibility
That's some funny stuff right there. That view is "obvious" to the uneducated, not the objective.
Those at least have some merit.
This is ludicrous. Some might not like Pelosi's politics, but she remains extremely sharp. Trump never won an exchange with her, it was laughable.
How odd they extended it to 2029. What happens then of significance?
Except you have everything but one tiny, almost inconsequential thing......EVIDENCE.
Pesky details: The Constitution provides for two year terms for the HoR and six for the Senate. :eek:
Why don't you sniff around and see what you can find out?
There a retirement community in Hillsborough County, Sun City Florida. Periodically, a story comes out that a spouse died of natural causes and...
It's an article by Lauren Fix...she does "News"Max. She used to have a show on one of the car channels where she taught people how to change...
I disapprove this post. -Elon Musk, Acting President of the United States of America
He didn't just disappear. The situation would be tolerable if we were allowed to block mods. GC needs to revisit that rule...stat.
YOU don't want to go there.
Dementia or sheer stupidity? Pick one. [MEDIA]
Just stop.
LOL, Day one of Biden's presidency was how many weeks after he kicked Trump's ass in the debates? You people can lie about this all you want if...
We can educate ourselves out of this. It's sad that with all these little name games the OP likes to play, one of the few politicians he shows...
As I've said before, be thankful for gated communities and auto locking car doors.