Man there was serious hands-to-the-face by FSU on that pass play
I sure don't like seeing FSU get a sustained drive here
Yeah it is arm wrapped around them bad play by Dean
Frank's had two people open two different times he just got Happy Feet
What a horrible face mask never let go
Florida has had 3 calls go its way already. Did anybody see this happening
Good defensive start. Two flags against FSU on the first drive I'll be darned
I'm going with the Gators take it 33 to 19. Funky score I know, but I will accept the outcome.
I find it ironic that Florida was on both ends of a dead ball play in the post season. The first was the Super Regional when the ump made the bad...
Try this link for postgame presser
Oh good, we got to see lsu momma even in the highlights. Good grief, choose something else.
I see that coverage, but there will be an online feed of the press conference
does anyone have the link to the post game press conference?
Reminds me of a football game at their place this last fall
I am feeling a whole lot better here. They went with their relief guy too early
He pulled out of the pitch right at the end