The way he’s playing he may have to trade in his Lamborghini for a Prius!
Pick number three! Defense has got to win this game for us come on guys
as bad as the injury could be for this season, at least it wasn’t a knee. Hamstrings will heal. Almost never require surgery.
Just the usual Herbie being Herbie. Talking out his.A$$
Yeah, I noticed a lot of guys slipping right from the very beginning of the game. I don’t know if they just put that new turf or what. Maybe the...
gators are truly Snake bit. First Mertz goes down on a noncontact injury and tears an ACL. Lagway look like his injury was just on a slip. The...
Well, Gater fans despite disaster were in this ball game. This is going to come down to defense and ball control. Hopefully we can run the ball a...
Leave it to Herb Street to lobby for a penalty that doesn’t exist. He’s such a tool.
Smack! Didn’t think we had a chance to drive there. Nice to minute maneuvers.
Did they just announce that Beck drives a Lamborghini! NIL IS OUT OF CONTROL.
Looks like I chose the wrong weekend to give up drinking!
Dang almost A third pic
I like badger as a player, but he can’t whiff on that block.
Man makes me think that Mertz’s injury was such a fluke. It was a noncontact injury where he tore his ACL. If we still had him, we’d be in a lot...
yeah, defense is gonna have to carry us through the rest of this game. Hopefully the third string quarterback and play a little bit like Mertz...
I don’t think you Can blame the run call for Lagway. After all one of this strength is supposed to be dual threat with a run threat.
Oh man, worst case scenario carded off the field. Gosh, we can’t catch a break. God help us.
Oh no! We can’t lose Lagway.
Ideally, now a nice controlled drive to score right before the half. Come on Billy coach him up.