T3 Otis walked
Powell grounded out to end 2nd 0 hits/runs/1 lob 4-2 Gators
Wooley grounded out, Eschete to 2nd 2 outs
Eschete reached on fielder's choice, Mathis out at 2nd 1 out Runner at 1st
B2 Coleman walked..Mathis PRing for Coleman This home plate ump..smh
Shumaker struck out looking 0 hits/runs/lob 4-2 Gators
Falby grounded out 2nd out
Perhaps they will improve as the season goes on..
T2 Holtorf flied out 1 out
Vrazel flied out to end the 1st 1 hit/ 2 runs/ 1 error/ 2 lob 4-2 Gators
Dement fouled out..another run scores 2 outs Runners on 2nd and 3rd 4-2 Gators
Enright reached on fielder's choice Powell scored on a throwing error 1 out 4-1 Gators
22 pitches for Ava
Perez walked Bases loaded 1 out
Barbara walked Runners on 1st and 2nd 1 out Need a DP
Powell singled
B1 Wooley struck out looking
Comia reached on fielder's choice, Cahalan out at 2nd to end our half of the inning 2 hits/ 4 runs / 1 error/ 1 LOB 4-0 Gators Need shut down inning
Saw some of it..not the ot though
Williams struck out swinging for 2nd out Runner at 1st