I’m in favor of the old 4-4-4 defense
It’s time to emotionally divest. If we keep Billy I’m not sure he wins anything big. If we fire him we are Nebraska for sure. Fighting for king of...
1906-1989 - 0 Conference championships 1990-2008 - 8 Conference championships, 3 national championships 2009-present - 0 Conference championships...
Are they going to overwhelm us with fishing vessels?
Not soaking more rich people. Transferring wealth from the plebs through taxation to the corporations through grants and contracts. How much did...
That's what is happening anyway. Just much slower.
That is what we have anyway. Just ask Bernie.
The CIA has entered the chat, which they created, fomented unrest within the chat, then overthrew some despot in some random 3rd world country at...
Feinstein, McConnell, Biden, Trump. Hmmm, perhaps there should be a cognitive function test for the voters.
I think it should be one sentence. The sixteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
We should destroy the tax code and write one that isn't 7000 pages long.
Freaking Geriatric society up there.
Sucks but it happens if you live on the water. Hopefully everyone is out of the subway system.
Brandon Herrerra did an awesome Youtube on that story. I think The Fat Electrician also did a story on it.
I don't think age is quite right. Somehow cognitive function should be tested.
No, its not. Whoever is behind her should have let her live out her last years in peace. Just went through this with my grandmother. It was...
17-14. I expect this one will be low scoring. This defense is pretty good. Not sure who wins.
I think I ready they have one carrier group. They have the largest fleet of fishing boats the world has ever seen. Naval combat against the west...
STEAL Strategically Transfer Equipment to an Alternate Location
I can't be the only one who reads this post and thinks of this guy [IMG]