I think so too. But, at least policy wise for me, way up on the crazy scale too. She is hovering near the Mendoza line.
I mean we the people of these United States elected leaders who took down Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya.
While we are at it we should get rid of imminent domain. Different thief, same results.
Happy Indigenous People's Day. From my favorite IP [IMG]
Could be the same people that were behind Nordstream.
I didn't call her a bimbo. I said she, like many women, are on the hot/crazy scale. I can joke about her just as I can joke about Mrs. Handy.
You might have a point if this was a conventional war. But the terrorists hide amongst women and children. Like the cowards they are.
Dangerous because your candidate might lose. Gotcha. I actually think RFK would pull more voters from Trump, but a strong third party is exactly...
You might have a point if an enemy state was providing the "MAGA terrorists" with rockets, automatic weapons, mortars and tubes, and armored vehicles.
LOL. A person running on a third party ticket is dangerous to our country.
Is this an AI generated image?
Why is this a thing? Is it because of the thing?
That was 0% seriousness and 100% comedy.
Ship High In Transit
For sure, now that I know where they are my goal is pics of both.
Boebert is the GOPs equivalent of AOC. They keep bouncing back and forth over the mendoza line of the Hot/Crazy scale. [MEDIA]
OK, then they don't get the money. Regardless, it had nothing to do with this attack.
Thank you for the clarification. My lack of military service is showing.
Me too, except I hope he pulls 33.3%, Trump 33.3%, and Biden 33.3%. Our government is already in shambles between a President who can't complete a...
They didn't need that 6B for this attack, but it is a bit naive to think they won't use it for similar purposes in the future. They are a state...