We might need to borrow some from them to repay what we borrowed from South Korea.
I'm not usually for government banning stuff, but my wife's uncle has level 4 hazmat clearance (he's a trucker), and hauls food dye all the time....
Genius WDG. It could also mean that c trained an alligator to eat v, because c was more powerful and was going to destroy v. At least that is how...
Now its two. US sending second carrier strike group, fighter jets to region as Israel prepares to expand Gaza operations | CNN
Nice pull!
28-24 USC
It’s what happens when you leave no room for nuance in debate. You push both sides to the extreme. In this case, the pro-life side.
Fetterman is the Dems equivalent of Tubberville. How do we keep electing these bums to Congress?
The only thing the current and former Presidents have is drag.
China has a population problem. See: inverted pyramid. More people in their 60s than in their 20s. Yay for the one child policy.
No worries. Just a shitty situation for those civilians. War freaking sucks.
I was agreeing with you. There’s no where for them to go. And Israel is out for blood.
If Hamas allows them to leave. If they have anywhere to go.
This would be a lot simpler if Hamas did not embed with civilians. But it’s a common technique of insurgents. I think Israel DGAF enough to...
This thing is going hot, fast. I’d be surprised if Israel did anything short of completely occupying Gaza.
Historically speaking, it was also Christian vs Jew. The Christian+Jew is a recent development too.
I agree that most if not all go into it to help. But Washington gets its claws into you. You change. You wish to stay in power, the constituency...
I didn't say he was a strong third party candidate. But he could cause people to take a serious look at a third party. /hopeful
Clearly not working. What's your solution?
I get what you are saying, but who do you think dealt more death and destruction to civilians: the US military in FOUR nations, or Hamas the other...