Oof... Sloane just dumped hers. She looks OK (uninjured), but something happened.
Anya with a 9.775 .. looked like a shuffle and a step on teh landing. Ly with a small forward hop on hers. should be better.
Excellent, thought it should have been a little higher, but I also thought Leanne's was a bit high. 49.300 for the rotation. A GREAT vault...
Selena's score should be very good.
wow, 9.925 is surprising to me. I'll take it!
I think Leanne did OK. 1st pass landing was off, rest looked rock solid.
Sloane should get a decent score
Wow, Taylor landed short on 1st pass too. Like slightly short, not fall on face short.
Anya landed low'ish on the last pass too.
From what I see they also have 7 scores up. Riley didn't go on beam unless it was an exhibition.
Oof. Victoria not feeling it today. Landed very low on the last pass.
Riley didn't go on the beam. Beam scores Skylar: 9.875 Sloane: 9.900 Anya: 9.875 Victoria: 9.800 Leanne: 9.900 Selena: 9.650 (dropped) Total:...
not sure what's going on wiht the other scores. They have us at a 49.075, with no score for Sloane and no record/score of Skylar.
Victoria had a minor bobble and a step on the landing. Selena had a major bobble/break, and a big step on the landing.
Got a 9.9! with a little hop on the landing.
Leanne changed her mount!
Anya looked pretty good too.
wonder what's going on with our scores on beam. They aren't putting anything up. Both Sloane and Skylar looked pretty good.
Selena nailed the anchor. 49.525 bars. Great start.
Skye faltered a little with a step on the landing. Leanne nailed it after her though.