It's Milton and pace, but we still consider them Pensacola boys when it comes to Sports so it would be really nice to have a couple of gators from...
It's better than still having her. And you know divorces are expensive because they're worth it
And ge eas a true freshman with no legs. I expect we should get inside the top 35 maybe next year? Its a tough schedule . If we are ranked 35...
I don't know if you would've only got one more or five more but he would've damn sure. Been playing to win some games in the playoffs. We had some...
You know, I totally agree skink. I have my patience and I don't expect too much. I guess I'm just stating the obvious.
The teams winning the championship have been overpaying the entire time, but it is what it is. Pretty much the teams spending the most money are...
We've been saying they have ridiculous salaries since the 70s when they actually started making enough money to get a living out of it
I can think of 3.1 reasons why a lot of teams can say they didn't want him anyway.
I di sometimes wonder how some got their jobs.
Thats what i adked. I find it hard to belueve we were close to last
There was
Lol, and they aren't appealing to us to be our oc either.
Him too
That donut place in downtown Milton is pretty damn goid.
Is Mullen looking for an oc job? I think Bobo may be available after next year if their qb sucks again
Not what i adked, Dj?
Blackwater bistro is OK but other than that maybe he's trying to catch a flathead out of yellow river?
Are you purposely dense?
Kick him stab him cheat I don't give a shit
Our offense got better at the midway point right about when DJ started playing.