Well, he stepped down as requested, even after winning the primaries. Now he goes down the only person to ever beat Trump in an election....
I am more concerned now than I was after the losses at the beginning of the season. For me there was no urgency to fire Napier so long as the...
Why didn't SOS and Foley put up big bucks and hire Bob Stoops to handle the defense until after the Fiesta Bowl vs Nebraska? Sometimes...
Before 2000, most of South Florida used the infamous punch card, or "butterfly" ballots, and the Panhandle used optical scanners which gave...
Someone familiar looking made the German news this morning. [ATTACH]
It's raining in St. Pete today. I didn't know there were Communists there to fight, but I will keep a lookout for them next time I hit the...
Voted early in Santa Rosa County. Website said <15 minute wait at all locations. We waited in a line for 90 minutes.
The adage I keep thinking of is, "God smiled down on the Florida Gators". Well, we could use some fresh smiles. It seems like we haven't caught...
It's a good thing you did gatorchamps! Like so many others, I only read Too Hot for polite discourse, harmonic camaraderie, and full community...
Harris. Sorry OK, I wrote this out then saw so I edited to put it in spoilers, you broke your own rule though! [SPOILER]
I can't say it better. Politics should never be one's morality or identity. If we had to divide the country, it should be divided into "Negative...
This is a valid concern, especially if your wife or daughter answers the mail..
For recruiting boards, a tweet is almost required for cred if you aren't a known insider. But I see the point of limiting tweetlaunches on Too...
This is a critical issue that the balance of our government now hangs upon. I personally suspect Chik-Fil-A involvement in this one. "My...
Day 4? I thought it started yesterday. Well, I voted yesterday morning. Sure it's about laziness and convenience. I always sacrifice as little...
Well grant, you weren't treating the Cat Fan humanely. Bob Barker says, always have your Cat Fans spayed or neutered.
I note that two of them have academic standards at least equal to that of UF, and they are doing fine. (I would toss in Texas, which academically...
This is the second greatest gift Duke has ever given us.
People who live in stone houses should not throw glasses. That isn't us. FSUcks!
In case you are reading this babe, I lock up every time without fail. Also, I have never left the keys in the outside of the door overnight....