Inflation rate on 1/15/1989 = 4.7%. Pretty sure all revisions are in.
policies are not MC. 'wet dream solutions"? Please, tell us how New Nafta is not more regulatory than old Nafta. Not making things worse is...
If this were true, I guess I've never paid a gas or alcohol tax. Anyone? Anyone ever sent a check to the gov for gas or alcohol? We're just making...
solid defense of easily debunked BIG GOV propaganda & leftist economic policy....But, at least the Rs > Ds. YAY
IMO, this is stupid math & it exposes the disregard for women. The idea that this would only affect the transgender athletes is ludicrous. Bad...
I take solace in the knowledge that 81 is the new 79
FYI. I am in favor of this bill. Seems like common sense that bio boys should not compete against girls. Also, I lost a game of PB to a duo that...
was talking about year 1…literally right after Obama
Biden’s a dem. He promises big gov
1. Biden (or whoever is pulling the strings) running again 2. Inflation 3. Pubs becoming the socialist workers party 4. Pubs becoming pro choice
Actually, I think a great idea is to not allow people to apply for asylum at the border. People should have to apply at the us embassy in their...
The person I responded to said, "no way a male should ever be allowed to compete with a female in sports". p.s. not pickup [IMG]
hell yeah. Gonna be living off Toblerone & Cutty Sark!
I had 3 great games of pickleball on Sun (in 30 degrees) with three women. Turns out, 1 of 'em got a masters at UF. But, I guess BIG GOV knows best.:(
straight up commie rant... "We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair...
so rather than eliminating the IRS, BIG GOV Donnie's creating the ERS. Gee, I wonder why bond yields have popped
if you truly believe that that is what I was advocating, send your Venmo & I’ll send the $ tonight. I trust you’ll get it to st judes
tell me how that shows I support military or financial support for Ukraine & I’ll send the $ tomorrow
1. As I've said before, conservatism is my team. I focus my criticism on them &, mostly those who claim to be them. Not dems. You're mealy assed...