wha? they added the roars to life part? that's rilly messed up. BIG GOV is a disease. I would hope somebody's getting a nice long vaca for that...
that's all well & good I guess, but why let Christians get away with letting their contention be the alternative hypothesis? Demonstration that...
Just win baby. Richard kept us alive all 2nd 1/2 imo.
A decent amt of extreme athletes still smoke. I met a few crazy free divers in Hondurus last summer. They were all smokers.
to be clear, I am not arguing that DEI makes things better or worse. I am simply arguing that merit based is not the default setting. I have seen...
I don't know either, but that is my guess.
I doubt it's gov censorship. TT is prob doing this on their own. the maga socialists want the private sector to fear the gov.
they are hard to avoid....let's just say my current boss has a daughter named Scarlett Grise
I'd recommend starting with the alb, Below the Baseline
the reason I asked him about OS before he even sat down, was b/c I wanted to pt out the gator footballs at eye level on the bookshelf by my door.
Yep. Within 30 seconds I knew the outcome of that search was either #2 or a failed search.
Here's 1 you'll like. I offered a guy a job to teach Bidness ethics because he had played trumpet with Ernest Ranglin. He turned it down to take a...
you think the default is merit based? I’ve hired dozens of peeps for gov positions & never seen 1. My wife just wrote an ad for someone. This...
so, you don’t know
How do you know things will be merit based? Link?
I worked at Pizza Pronto in Gville. we had chicken wings. A 40lb box had some def funk. I was told to soak 'em in water & a bit of bleach prior to...
I had a scatch & sniff bible, but I quit S&Sing after the big load of horse jizz. "She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey's...