do you have a copy of the ad for the job ? Do you know the application process? Do you know who applied? Do you know who was involved in the...
Not saying u favor a merit based system, but being qualified is irrelevant in a merit based sys as I am sure you know. min /= max. they both do...
note. she did not specify a quantity
Nice punt. Go conquer school marm harder.
Oh please. I've seen your posts. You're a good little BIG GOV lover. But, but, the gov sez it's illegal, they they fall in line.
it seems better than your understanding of Rothbard. You are greatly perverting his notion of PRIVATE property rights with your love of BIG GOV. I...
I was a member of the Libertarian party in the 1990s. I literally had to vow to uphold a free immigration stance as a member. Open borders was...
found 1. [IMG] Tiktok Alters Algorithm to appease Donny Boy's fragile ego
Just put a tariff on it. Problem solved!
Whilst playing the fear card, the maga socialists should bundle a Greenland down payment into the deal. The country is paralyzed & terrorized by...
I guess so. Not for me. I aim for about a 10 hr work week & I loath having to get up before 9am
this is a good 1 IMO. Health is a presence of a superior state of well-being, vigor, vitality, and pizzazz
I've never really understood using the metric of longevity. I guess it is easy to measure. I've never known anyone who was a life span maximizer....
Shit. we're heading to Columbia in June. Thanks, Comrade.
Claims the left is broken. Proceeds to make a leftist post.
I only worry about UE being too low. I trust the MAGA socialist workers party will create plenty of welfare jobs.
Glad to see that full court D again. I think that can be an effective wrinkle