An interesting effect of the tariffs is they should increase auto insurance
fyi, inelastic = 0 [IMG]
I think you mean good that have elastic demand. BTW, that is all that is needed to show that your statement was incorrect. What goods that are...
1. how are they going to achieve hiring on merit & who determines it? You think the absence of DEI = merit. Demonstrate it. 2. why would people...
you seem to have changed the subject & you seem to be arguing against pts I have not made. I was responding to this:"It does nothing but increase...
that is not true. It will also reduce foreign supply & the equil Q will be reduced. demand curves are downward sloping. higher prices = lower...
that is incorrect. they will hurt both countries. I think the only way your second sentence could be true is if demand was perfectly inelastic,...
Good strategy....maybe
WSJ has at least 3 pieces slamming the tariffs. Whouda thought that Trump being a Leftist tough guy would be such a turn on for the Pubs....
Huh. Don’t remember dems bitching about tariffs the last 4 years
brics should agree given the unenforcability
kinda evens out...he may place blame for no good reason, but he is also willing to take credit for no good reason [IMG]
I just learned that Mark Motherbaugh's biggest source of annual income is about $1m a year from that theme which is just a retooling of...
which one of them has been shot?
Cuba subsidizes condoms & I saw a mini doc on all the uses they put them to given their cheapness. (I suspect I can find it & post it). Ironic...
It's insane that peeps such as @OklahomaGator think all that is needed for a merit based sys is the elimination of a DEI system. However, I...
Oh, well then. I guess my son should be QB1 for Florida.
in my experience I hear merit, merit, merit. & then, qualified, qualified, qualified. AS IF THEY ARE THE SAME. You commies might think they are...
I don't. I think these jobs do not post an ad. I think they are just hand picked. Like B. Napier is allowed to do. Like nearly all important...