Man on 3B / 1 out F/F/B - Nadeau singles to shallow center. 1 in.
Men on 2B & 3B / 0 outs Kc/B - Yost grounds out to short. 1 in.
Pond full of Gators / 0 outs Evans doubles down left line. 2 in.
Men on 2B & 3B / 0 outs B/B/F/B/B - Cyr walks
Man on 1B / 0 outs New Earl is #11 So RHP McHugh (9.00, 0-0, 3.0 IP) B/B - Stripling doubles to right corner
Man on 1B / 0 outs B/B - Donay to 3B on a really bad P/O attempt/B/Kc/WP walks Lawson and scores Donay.
Bottom of the 4th B/B/B/B - Donay walks
Man on 1B / 2 outs B/F/Ks/Ks - Kang goes down swinging 3/3/0/1 Gators 7-5
Men on 1B & 3B / 1 out B/B/B/Kc/Ks - Shulman flies out to center. 1 in.
Men on 1B & 3B / 1 out B - runner steals 2B/K/F/F/B - Cooper singles to shallow right. 1 in.
Man on 3B / 1 out B - Giberti HBP?
Man on 1B / 1 out Ks/Ks/PB - runner steals 2B/B/Ft/F/Ft - Rickheim triples to right/center fence. 1 in.
Man on 1B / 0 outs Kc/Kc/Ks - Smith goes down swinging
Top of the 4th Jenkins is done and #9 So RHP McNeillie comes in (3.97, 1-0, 11.1 IP) Ks/B - Lybrook singles to 3B
Pond full of Gators / 2 outs Kc/B/B/B - Shelton pops out to 2B 4/3/0/3 Gators 7-2
Pond full of Gators / 2 outs Boser HBP. 1 in.
Gators on the corners / 2 outs F/B/B/B/Ks/B - Nadeau walks
Men on 1B & 2B / 2 outs B/B/F - Yost singles up the middle. 1 in.
Man on 1B / 2 outs F - Evans singles thru left gap
Man on 1B / 1 out B/ New Earl is #44 Fr LHP Alagheband (7.71, 0-0, 2.1 IP) B/F/B/F/Kc - Cyr goes down looking