Well to be fair, there were plenty of oafish, qanon types who weren't violent but kinda just followed the crowd. But oafish tourism was not the...
Indeed. Likewise, it's why police look to shoot center mass and not simply to injure in stopping a threat. Otherwise, it raises a situation in...
Insurrection is the new tourism ...on the right :D
You need to step back and think through this some more. You (correctly) recognize a risk gradient, but then you immediately negate the risk in...
Yes, covid is a highly contagious respiratory disease. And you know what, respiratory diseases kill. Two of them (lower & pneumonia) are among the...
I doubt you believe a warning shot was warranted.
If myocarditis and other rare adverse events from vaccines makes vaccines dangerous, how is 100s of millions sickened and over 1.1 million dead...
Excellent point. I think it's an feat despite the risk not being zero. Pretty incredible under the circumstances.
Vaccines can't cause the disease/s caused by the virus itself, though immune responses from vaccines can sometimes cause damage. The "much less"...
Are you suggesting that if someone is a republican they're more likely to be held in jail awaiting trial?
A Hobson's Quiz :D Which of the following is significantly more likely to cause inflammation? Covid or Covid Which of the following is...
That's the thing, risk vs reward has been taken into account and the risk is extremely low for serious adverse events relative to the reward in...
Might need to remind some folk that in our system, the accused are afforded constitutional rights, and there is a presumption of innocence in the...
Have to quote myself from a month ago when you first brought Fraiman into the discussion...
Thanks. I don't doubt that SMI is an issue, generally speaking. The heart is a fascinating organ and diseases of the heart is the #1 killer in the...
Okay. How do you make this massive inferential leap to SMI? Myocardial infarction is an even rarer adverse outcome from vaccines than is...
Ashlie Babbitt committed suicide by cop.
I think your theory has some problems, even if I get your concern. The rate of myocarditis from covid is upwards of 40x that of vaccines, even if...
That's not the point. But I suspect you already know this, unless you want to completely ignore the historical disputes over the same piece of...
Indeed. Police are trained & socialized into U vs Them even if those words aren't actually used. Another way to think about it is that the culture...