Would you care to point out where in CVS' Nov 18, 2021 statement did they say they're closing 900 stores "due to the shoplifting crime wave?"...
Yeah, natural to think possible drug involvement. Seeing possible cardiac arrest after physical activity and his drowning, possible (likely?) that...
Put it like this, red flag laws are not likely to be all that effective in curbing gun violence in any substantial way because a great deal of...
I think you mean gun laws only work for law abiding folk?
I just want to see what you came up with
Perhaps it's because you continue to completely discount the role of guns themselves as factoring into gun violence when it's accessibility to...
Curious, you scouring the internet to make the case? :D Good luck!
Well there's no doubt he wanted violence, yet there is no reasonable removal of the tool for that violence from this equation. Easy access to...
Saying that guns are not an issue in gun violence is like saying that violence is not an issue in gun violence. Also like saying that drugs are...
Unorganized militias are not relevant for the constitution and are absent from it, including absent wrt the purpose & intent of 2a because it was...
An organized milita was not a thing, but the thing. Some founders might have been good with unorganized militias but there is zero recognition of...
Excellent. You're human. And thoughtful. And yeah, you might not want to be cleaning your shotgun when the lil bastards come to visit. :)
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread...
Yes, a lot did. And some of them even if they didn't die directly from covid, that they had a pathogen in their system almost certainly...
You're guessing right. Violent revolutions are by definition insurrections. And yes, my point is that 2a doesn't provide a right to attack, so...
yeah, but the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants makes for a damn good quote :)
"Not having a right" is exactly the point. The second doesn't give any implied right to attack govt. Any such attack would be by definition an...
The founders won freedom by a colonial govt representing each of the colonies voting on declaring their freedom and going to war. And then when...
In 2020 and 2021, covid was the: 4th leading cause of death or those 1 - 34yo 2nd leading cause for 35 - 44yo 1st leading cause for 45 to 54yo...
2a doesn't exist to be a threat to govt (and thus society) in the name of some potential tyranny. That is a nonsense argument that right wingers...