I'm guessing that you're explaining this to dreamliner and I'd bet the ranch that he's already denied that viruses even exist and probably making...
HPV is a widespread virus, likely infecting over 80% of men and women in their lifetime, with about half of those infections being types of HPV...
Not at all surprised about the illogic. As we've just witnessed since 2020, illogic abounds. Thing about hpv is that the vaccine doesn't work if...
The rise in teen cancers is from the human papilloma virus (HPV). In teen males, it's throat cancers (tonsils and/or back of tongue). In females...
We probably aren't. :) I get your point. I think though people in general are disturbed by gun violence, in particular mass shootings and other...
Quit deflecting. Your inability to make an honest argument is crystal. Just admit, you support authoritarianism. At least then you'd be being honest.
The onus is on you to argue honestly, not for me to address your dishonest ones. I made the choice to point out your fallacies and not treat...
Just my personal opinion, but I have zero problems with a prohibition on AR15 and/or many other high powered firearms. Or, if not an outright ban,...
Yes, you used multiple straw men arguments to try to get me to try to "prove you wrong" rather than, you know, actually addressing what I wrote....
I guess you couldn't refrain...which by the way is dishonest and cowardly because you know they're fallacies.
I have a better idea, how about you refrain from straw man arguments?
I pointed out the falsehood in the quote. I didn't argue that stores haven't or don't close due to crime. Many do. As they do for many other...
Your batting average for logical fallacies is .500. You can do better. 1. Straw man: Didn't make that comparison 2. True: I believe voting for...
Hmmm, seems like you're making an argument toward something that you wish I said. Weird. In any case, fleeing from Cuba clearly doesn't negate...
Yes, Hispanic DeSantis supporters are as foolish as white non-Hispanic DeSantis supporters.
Well no, it wasn't obvious, my misinterpretation or a point that I wish you made. You wrote what you wrote. No need for you to deflect.
I know your claim was incorrect. That's what my question pointed out.
The "entire Hispanic vote in Florida" ??? I'd call that a flat out lie.
Well sure, but that kind of points to one of the (several) problems with the article. As G8R92 mentioned above and as the announcement I linked to...
Depends on what we mean by effective. Don't get me wrong, even if it's only a small effect, I'm for robust red flag laws, but I don't see them...