Nothing you write here has any relation to reality.
Can there be any more extreme cognitive dissonance than Trump supporters questioning others. It's a joke.
Exactly! Basically it's all plagiarism :D
I haven't followed the story closely so I can only speak to your question--using an editor is fairly common, especially for students where English...
Thumbs up. I'd add about "borders" let's also try to put humans first. Our borders might be a nat sec issue, but it's a humanitarian issue. The...
When we moved to CA a decade ago, and were searching for a home, I recall one instance when a seller's agent told my wife and I that our agent...
[MEDIA] Autogolpes are like that.
Thanks! I didn't even know that about CA's trees but I'm still pretty naive, tbh. Need to read up some more. My neck of SoCal regularly sees...
Evolution Many tree species have adapted and have defense mechanisms (thick bark, sap) to help protect them against fire. I didn't even know this...
I'd add that both Biden and Pence had their lawyers search through documents and then self-reported having them. Just two very different...
I sent a copy of GK's brick through facebook to his brother, Tommy. Hopefully he still checks facebok. I had sent him a copy of the certificate...
Gotta say that you knocked it out of the park. Karl Popper would be proud. I don't teach a history of science course, but I have been teaching...
I hear you, lacuna. I felt a real sadness in looking those bricks. Thanks again, @defensewinschampionships , for going the extra mile to get...
You rock! Thank you.
That was going to basically what I was thinking. I doubt that any of the sentences will run consecutively.
I still love chappelle, but there's no denying he lost something.
JHMO, you provide an appropriate level of warning about interpreting a poll. It is complicated. Polls being what they are don't get at that...