Having treated tens of thousands of patients over the years I can say this has little to do with doctors not telling people about diet and...
Saw a blurb on CBNC tonight with Dr Scott Gottlieb, he said the Gov has been very late to the game testing herds of cattle and it’s likely spread...
But your suggestion was they were doing that to get it used for weight loss. While it has been used off label it’s only recently been approved...
You very well may have a point. Increasing protein intake may help as well. Newer drugs in trials seem to have less lean muscle loss. Viking...
For my rental unit that’s all we have ever carried. General hazard about $1100/year was $600 a year until 3 years ago. Never bought windstorm,...
It’s also way cheaper to replace the damages shingles rather than the whole roof, good luck finding a roofer to do that job.
Nice. Good thing Snow isn’t a worry in Florida.
Nah that’s because we are the fattest country in the developed world. You know that.
The biggest issue is loss of muscle mass. There are newer ones in trials that have much less of that. Some people also can have nausea and...
Spend 5k to save 200k or more.
No they ran clinical trials to prove it was safe and effective in non-diabetic patients to get the approval for that indication. It has zero to...
The US subsidizes the drugs for the world.
Actually Viagra was being studied for pulmonary HTN, but while the trial was on going men noticed the “side effect”. The GLP1 class until...
Not for many, women for example, after menopause have hormonal changes which affect metabolism and fat storage. That isn’t always solved with...
There does seem to, for some less desire or “taste” for alcohol. Currently they are looking at it for treatment of addictions.
Meh anyone build new near the coast is up to current codes. Those houses aren’t being blown away. Big storm surge yes maybe, but as you note WS...
While I agree in principle one of my rental properties had 3 tab that were put on in 1993, didn’t lose a one with Charley. Admittedly we’re on the...
Meh, it’s not that simple. Plus the weight loss drugs have been proven in diabetics to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition by...
Cage match?
Ya seem new here. I’m anything but MAGA, and I didn’t vote for Trump in 2024. Odd that there have been many discussions about what caused...