it is not a red state which is prosecuting Trump, it’s a wacky, leftist activist, prosecuting Trump in the most liberal county in the south. If...
that’s an oxymoron if there ever was one. Referring to Democrats as having a mind to boggle
yet another… [img]
well, you’ve certainly earned your title today Tommy
you are still wrong. You are broken record. You don’t know what you are talking about. I’m done with your claims.
look, you are wrong. You can come on here and post all the crap you want, but you’re not gonna be right. As to your second question, the answer is...
Great, well informed post. Thank you.
I want to add one more thing, which I stated earlier in this thread, I believe the apathy you and others have for voting fraud are the problem. I...
lol. I was bitching about voter fraud back in the days that the inventor of the Internet claimed he was president.
you are wrong
“on its face” means as alleged. It does not mean they reviewed any evidence. All you have to do is read the opinion. This trial court did not...
I don’t have a complaint, per se, I’m just making a comment on all of the people on this thread, who proclaim, as if fact, that there was no fraud...
so I’ll tell you what, I will donate a 100 to Biden’s campaign if you find a post here where I claim Trump won the election. have you even...
I already responded to that. Read my previous post. That case was not decided on the merits. There’s not a fellow lawyer on this message board who...
that is what we lawyers like to refer to as dicta. It is the same as if the court went blah blah blah, blah blah. It holds no legal precedent...
it took me a total of four minutes to speed read the Wisconsin case to realize, again, how wrong you are. The court did not rule on the merits of...
the fact that you claim that a case was thrown out on standing, but the judge ruled on the merits anyway is all I need to know about your ability...