In how many of the “60 cases” did a judge or jury look at all the evidence and come to a determination that there was no election fraud as alleged...
hey dude, I think your keyboard broke, because it stopped working before you made a point.
you need to go away with your ridiculous , clueless posts. A guilty plea as you reference does not prove or disprove a single element of voter...
I don’t think Trump filed any lawsuits, so zero. But if you mean Republicans, and you mean on the merits? I’ll still go with Zero.
proven? LOL read my other post. The only thing you have proven is that you don’t know what the word proven means.
But this further demonstrates my point. You attach an article from the AP which reports to claim that Trump‘s claim of 3.5 million fraudulent vote...
your response is demonstrative of the problem that I am writing about. It seems like when you use terms like “the party who complains about it the...
I didn’t say they don’t acknowledge it, I said both parties don’t do Jack shit about it
The Yemen Times poll has been determined to be unreliable, so……
I said this months ago. I think this has been the plan from day 1.
that’s a crime that will put you in jail and suspend your license….what is your point?
proof is in the puddin’ bro. and if you want to bring on the voter id argument of making it harder to vote, bring it….because that is beyond...
Simply True. Get your head out of your tush and pay attention. and yes, I am against all crime…but for different reasons than simply “crime...
so now you want to compare exceeding the speed limit by 2mph to someone ripping up your vote before your eyes? [img]
Your damn right, just like there is no difference if Trump is murdered or if a NYC crack whore is murdered. They were both murdered. Justice...
I agree with the both sides argument but disagree with the “not accepting” argument. When the Dems continue to falsely proclaim there was no...