Agree Feinstein was playing political games with this. It's a shame that attacking a likely sexual assault victim is the response from some...
From what I've read, she didn't come forward until the letter she sent to Feinstein was leaked to the press.
All of this.
Good points. Politics are driving this whole process rather than any concern for justice. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, that's an...
Yes. She brought it up 6 years ago.... long, long before this nomination. The idea that she brought this up in a therapy session so she could...
It is obvious this whole issue can't go anywhere without some corroboration and there appears to be none, so it's a done deal. Kavanaugh will be...
But why would she have done that? She didn't even want to come forward now, from what's been reported. And you can't blame her based on what she...
She reported the assault years ago in therapy. It is extremely unlikely an assault didn't occur, unless she made up the story to cover for some...
Your conclusion that this was just a political hit job is unwarranted. And yet another among many politically motivated attacks on a likely sexual...
Nobody here has deemed him guilty. Pure hyperbole. There's a difference between believing that something traumatic likely happened to this woman...
Franks plays like I play golf.... a few really nice shots you feel great about and a lot of duck hooks and worm burners in between. ;)
Scarlett is finding his groove.
Not to be Capt Obvious but Toney needs touches. Would like to see that and downhill run game in our first drive this half. Have to give props to...
Almost too much to ask for. What a start.
I hear you. But 6 in the box... we sure as hell shouldn't have been stoned for a loss. If we get four or five maybe we go on fourth.
Clutch play by Perine
Nice pass and the run for the score. Good start for Feliepe.
Nice start until Feleioe held it too long.
If we get behind, you're doing Fireball shots, mister! JK. Be well.
I went to a number of house parties in high school that I would have zero chance of ever finding again. But I could tell you who some of the...